Project News from around the world
- I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here: On demand July 10, 2020
The Coronavirus pandemic has caused immense uncertainty in education. Most students have been working from home since April. They will be back in September, but how schools will operate through to Christmas is anything but certain. Blended learning at school and home. Local lockdowns. Second waves. Online engagement this autumn One certainty, however, is that […]
- Estudiantes con premio en “Somos Científicos” mayo 2020 June 4, 2020
En “Somos Científicos” mayo 2020 pedimos a científicas, científicos y moderadoras que seleccionaran a los estudiantes cuyas preguntas les habían llamado más la atención, bien por su capacidad de interacción en los chats, o porque hicieron las preguntas más interesantes. Hemos recibido preguntas fascinantes y comentarios enriquecedores, pero sólo podemos elegir una persona por zona. […]
- Qué hizo Clara Ortega con su premio… June 3, 2020
Clara Ortega ganó la Zona Biomedicina en mayo de 2017, y esto es lo que ha hecho con su premio… Con el premio de Somos Científicos he abierto un podcast titulado Aumenta la n, que podeis escuchar aquí. Son capítulos breves de unos 10 o 15 minutos sobre un tema concreto de neurociencia. […]
- Qué hizo Isabel G Barón con su premio… June 3, 2020
Isabel García Barón ganó la Zona Flúor en Somos Científicos mayo de 2017, y esto es lo que ha hecho con su premio desde entonces… Tras participar en Somos Científicos, decidí que quería utilizar el premio obtenido en la divulgación de un tema que, aunque no sea el foco de mi trabajo, creo que […]
- Qué hizo Iván Acebrón con su premio… June 1, 2020
Iván Acebrón ganó la Zona Cloro en noviembre de 2018 y esto es lo que hizo con su premio… Gracias a Somos Científicos he podido realizar mi sueño de trasladar la ciencia a los más jóvenes de una manera atractiva y entretenida. A diferencia de las habituales charlas científicas, he decidido apostar por el teatro […]
- Qué hizo Jorge Nicolás con su premio… June 1, 2020
Jorge Nicolás ganó la Zona Escandio en abril de 2019 y esto es lo que ha hecho con su premio: He creado un canal de YouTube, llamado “Fuga Astronautica”, para divulgar sobre ingeniería aeroespacial. Hay grandes divulgadores que hacen un excelente trabajo comunicando sobre astrofísica y exploración espacial, pero en Fuga Astronautica nos dedicaremos a […]
- La primera semana de Somos Científicos mayo 2020 May 11, 2020
La semana pasada, más de 1100 estudiantes de entre 10 y 18 años debatieron con científicos de toda España y Europa sobre la actualidad de la ciencia y tecnología. Han hablado sobre la pesca fantasma, el manejo de drones, sobre la identidad de genero y el proceso de transición de las personas trans. Juntos, hemos reflexionado sobre sobre […]
- Book your I’m a Scientist, Stay at home Live Chat! April 24, 2020
Chat bookings are LIVE for I’m a Scientist, Stay at home for the coming weeks! Book your live chat here: I’m a Scientist, Stay at home is designed to give you and your students a chance to reconnect safely with each other and science as a whole. You can watch an example live chat […]
- Book your I’m a Scientist, Stay at home Live Chat! April 24, 2020
Chat bookings are LIVE for I’m a Scientist, Stay at home for the coming weeks! Book your live chat here: I’m a Scientist. Stay at home is designed to give you and your students a chance to reconnect safely with each other and science as a whole. You can watch an example live chat […]
- Student winners – March 2020 April 14, 2020
During March’s activity, we asked the scientists and moderators to select the students who stood out for them: the students they thought asked the best questions, or engaged most in the live chats. Well done to all of the student winners, and everyone who took part. There were so many interesting questions, and comments, but […]
- Quién es quién en “Somos Científicos” mayo 2020 April 2, 2020
Ya falta menos para Somos Científicos mayo 2020… 68 centros de enseñanza repartidos desde Rabat (Marruecos), pasando por Muñopedro (Segovia) y llegando hasta Alcanar (Tarragona), interactuarán con 30 personas dedicadas a diferentes áreas de la investigación. Del 4 al 15 de mayo los estudiantes pondrán a prueba a científicos y científicas de las disciplinas más […]
- “This was one of the best STEM engagement I’ve ever done in my life so far and I would highly recommend any scientist out there”- March 2020 Winners’ blog posts March 31, 2020
After every event we ask the winning scientists to write a short post to be sent to all the students who took part in the zone. It’s the perfect way for the scientists to reflect on all the engagement of the previous weeks, thank all the students for voting for them, and talk about how […]
- What’s been happening in I’m a Scientist, the online science engagement activity, this March March 16, 2020
Over the last week, scientists and students across the UK have been engaging online in I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here. A huge variety of questions Together they’ve talked about: the future of quantum computers the death of grass staying motivated in science colliding the continents The sustainability of the pharmaceutical industry qualifications for becoming […]
- Who’s taking part: March 2020 March 4, 2020
I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here! is back this March. Between Monday 9th and Friday 20th, students at over 130 schools will be putting their questions to 80+ scientists across 14 different zones. For the latest news and announcements about the event, find us on Twitter @imascientist, and follow the hashtag, #IASUK. Let’s meet the […]
- Somos Científicos mayo 2020, ¿te has apuntado ya? January 23, 2020
Somos Científicos, ¡sácanos de aquí! se celebrará del lunes 4 al viernes 15 de mayo de 2020. Volvemos con una actividad con sitio para 18 científicos y científicas y 75 clases de todo el país. La actividad estará dividida en tres zonas. Dos zonas serán generales, con sitio para 12 científicos de diferentes disciplinas: astrofísicas, […]
- March 2020 Zones December 18, 2019
I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here returns for two weeks from Monday 9th-Friday 20th March. We’re running eight themed zones and three general science zones this March. Read on to find out about them, or head straight to the application form to take part: Teachers apply by 24th January: Scientists find out more and apply: Continue reading […]
- Student winners – November 2019 December 16, 2019
During the activity in November we asked the scientists and moderators to select the students who stood out for them: the students they thought asked the best questions, or engaged most in the live chats. Well done to all of the student winners, and everyone who took part. There were so many interesting questions, and […]
- Student winners – November 2019 December 16, 2019
During the activity in November we asked the scientists and moderators to select the students who stood out for them: the students they thought asked the best questions, or engaged most in the live chats. Well done to all of the student winners, and everyone who took part. There were so many interesting questions, and […]
- I took part in I’m a Scientist! – a moderator’s view November 21, 2019
Claire is one of our fantastic team of moderators for the 12 I’m a Scientist zones taking place this November. But her relationship with the project goes all the way back to her days at school. Here ModClaire talks about what the experience meant then, and how it feels now to be part of running the […]
- What’s happening in I’m a Scientist, the online STEM engagement activity, this November November 18, 2019
Over the last week, scientists and students across Ireland have been engaging online in I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here. Together they’ve talked about which pharmacological drugs they would destroy, why they love rocks so much, how many trees we really need on the planet, the time spent in labs (or in fields), how climate change affects science research, bringing wolves to […]